Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Church of Barbaro

Reading the article "The Church of Barbaro", not only was I given another glimpse into the world of my Professor Alex Brown, I was given a look into the world of horse racing, and those who worship the sport and its participants. Though not as plastered about the media and prime time television, these fans of horse racing are as passionate about the horses as football or basketball fans are about the athletes that step on the field.

Alex Brown is one of these fans, and unlike the mainstreem sports fans previously mentioned, these horse racing fans have a good cause to back up their love for the sport.

Many members of the FOB (Fans of Barbaro) participate one way or another in fund raising opportunities to benefit horses who might otherwise be put down because of old age, injury, or lack of usability on the racetrack.

While these members of the Church of Barbaro are passionate about a sport, they seem to go further than the average sporting fan. They are fighting for what they believe in.

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